Greetings All! I just found this site and have a few, what I think, are simple questions concerning my stove. As near as I can figure it is about 10 years old. It was not used for about 5 years prior to my buying it. To give you an idea of the age, it has only the settings Low, B, C, and High. It also has a damper rod. I have down loaded the manual for it, but it does lack some information. On the burn pot, (or where it installs in the stove) there are 2 ports. One is large, and is obviously the air feed to the fire. The second is maybe 1/2 to 5/8 of an inch inner diameter and aligns to a hole in the burn pot. What is that for? What does it do? My other question is, I'm getting some soot build-up on the glass. It is forming towards the top, and only at the corners. I've removed and cleaned the metal plate at the bottom of the glass, and have "flame" tested with a lighter the draw of air at the bottom of the glass on the door. Plenty of air flow there! I'm thinking a gasket is bad, but I'm not sure which one. Is it the main door gasket, or the glass gasket? I have done all the cleaning you could do on it. It is keeping a 20 x 40 foot uninsulated room toasty, but I just want it running at its peak! Any and all info will be appreciated!
BTW, the Pyro2 refers to the fact that I shoot Fireworks shows
BTW, the Pyro2 refers to the fact that I shoot Fireworks shows