1) Confirm if your local Home Depot will honor Lowe's coupons. Lowe's ALWAYS has 10% off coupons floating around. I have 3 Home Depots with 5 miles of me, 2 Lowe's, 1 Ace Hardware, and 1 Menards. All will accept each other's coupons within reason.
2) HD, Lowes, and Ace all sell a version of the 13 stove (Englander, Summer's Heat, etc). One of the three local Home Depots will even accept coupons from Harbor Freight, even though Harbor Freight does NOT sell the Englander stove! (There are many 20% and 25% off coupons from Harbor Freight floating around). In that instance, the HD and HF are within 1.5 miles of one another.
3) The first HD I went to told me to take a hike.
4) Second HD said they would give me 10% off. Take it or leave it.
5) I went out to the parking lot and called the HD 1-800 number. Spoke with the gent, was polite, and pointed out two things:
A) I have 10%, 20%, and 25% off coupons from Lowe's and Harbor Freight. What would they honor? For the stove, they said 10% off.
B) The NC-30 could be bought for $649 (down from $899) by using the zip code "trick" mentioned above. That was a lot of stove for $649.99. Could they deal a little lower on the 13? They came back with ANOTHER 5% off.
So I ordered the Englander 13 from Home Depot for $551.65 before tax.
I hope that helps you.....Took me one hour to travel, call, and order but saved $100.