Hi all, I'm getting the stove ready for the season, and when I pulled the baffle, I noticed the front face was curved down, and the ceramic board was cracked. Wanted to show it to the installing dealer, for possible warranty replacement, but he is nowhere to be found. Store hours yesterday and today are 10-6, but when i made the trip, the place was locked up tight. Telephone is of no use, just lists the office hours, with no option for a message. Today there were sticky notes from other customers asking them to please call. Not getting a good feeling. I guess the question I have is, If I attempt to repair the baffle does that void any warranty? If so what options do I have? Should also be noted that 3 weeks ago, I was in to the shop and both myself and a neighbor were going to have new SS chimney crowns installed, everything seemed OK, but they have been a no show on those too. Any help would be appreciated.