Pellet Snob!

  • Active since 1995, is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
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New Member
Hearth Supporter
Feb 10, 2009
Northern MN
OK, I said it and got your attention. It is not a pellet Pig group mind you, but a pellet Snob group. I am not sure what that means right now, so it must be important. Feel free to join in. Here are some of my immediate thoughts though, if you want to be a Pellet Snob you must meet at least 3 of the following:

You must own a stove that was used, free, cheap, or on clearance.
You must drink cheap beer (13.95 per 30 pack or less, or it must have Ice in the name) or drink hooch, or homemade wine.
Smoke cheap cigars or roll own.
Buy pellets by the 1/2 ton or less or haul them in the back seat of your 2 door car.
Have at least 60 pounds of venison in the freezer.

This is not a joke. I am dead serious. If you have a better ideas, let me know.
I meet most of the criteria. I've just got into pellet stove cold turkey and this site help get the old thing going again. It's probably 15 years old and I paid $200. I won't start on how much the new pellet cerified flu piping cost though. I only haul 1/2 ton of the cheapest pellets around (sonething called "Burnmaster") in a half ton wore out pickup. I'm wore out by the time I get 25 bags down in the basement one bag at a time. I don't drink and I don't smoke and the most meat I consume is the chicken wienies mixed in the Top Romane noodles. I'm sure things will get better down the road. Hey, Me 'nd the dogs are now at least stayin' warm thanks to a old stove and cheap pellets. I just did figure out how to put RJ45 plugs on cat 5e cable. What makes that news is I'm an old guy and I don't see like I used to and my hands are little shakey and that makes it hard to get the little wires in the little holes, but I got a system now. I'm now networked thru my Daughter computer upstairs at 100mps, pretty fast. I'm probably more greatful than snobby at the moment. bjr23
Clinker, I'm sure you are driving somewhere, but there are a lot on this forum that meet some of your criteria that like bjr are just trying to get warm. Good stoves can be had for cheap. My first one was $100. I rebuilt it and sold it for my second that was $400. I like those cheap old stoves. Some also can't afford the super premium pellets, but are able to find and burn standards and get five days out of their money instead of three or four. And we all don't have jacked up one tonners. Most I think you will learn do not smoke, and talk more about drinking than they actually do.

Monday I am making a road trip for pellets for a friend who doesn't drive and was actually thinking about getting a taxi to help. He will be lucky to afford 20 bags, but I will see he has a ton. His neighbor called and we set a date, I buy the coffee and load, he gives me a couple bucks for the gas and pays for the pellets.

At times I get irritated by those who are always screaming about their's being better, but lets not start slamming the little guys and gals.
Rabbit n squirrel counts. By the way, I am not poking fun at the little guy. I am the little guy. Maybe the Pellet Snob was a jab at some in a way, but it was an effort to get some interest in the post , to hear something different.

I like the meaning this is all about. But to me a snob is the rich and famous. Someone who only buy's the best pellets and has the best stove money can buy is a snob in my book. If you found a better word say pellet scrounger or something. I think it would fit better to what you are trying to say. Once you find a better title for the new class, I would gladly vote for it.

Maybe vote or pole for the word you are looking for. Cheap-fruggle-something the oposite of snobish.

your list is basically benefit from low cost items right? it, The REAP of CHEAP CLUB
jtakeman said:

I like the meaning this is all about. But to me a snob is the rich and famous. Someone who only buy's the best pellets and has the best stove money can buy is a snob in my book. If you found a better word say pellet scrounger or something. I think it would fit better to what you are trying to say. Once you find a better title for the new class, I would gladly vote for it.

Maybe vote or pole for the word you are looking for. Cheap-fruggle-something the oposite of snobish.


I'm in............. for the cheap heat, I turned in several hundred dollars worth of scrap copper to buy my pellets, it did'nt cost me anything more than the gas to get there

How about........... Clinker's Chintzy Chapter
I think your group title is off.
Snobbery would require:

* Vernier calipers to inspect the length of each pellet.
* Sniff testing to make sure they "smell" acceptable.
* They would have to contain less than .5% ash and put out 9200 BTU's.
* Zero fines in the bag
* Would be waterproof, yet burn like normal

Your description is of the actual user. You're describing a penny pincher who likes the max product for the min price.
I fall into that category...gladly.
You left out a few additional qualifications:

* Ability to sense a sale before advertised
* Negotiating skills that would rival an A/C salesman in Alaska
* Ability to pinch a nickel until the buffalo took a dump
* Superior BS skills to convince the wife that 5 ton of pellets in the garage all summer is necessary (I guess this could draw on the negotiating skills mentioned above)
* $150 a ton delivered and stacked in a basement that was only accessible from a narrow, steep stair case.
* Requiring therapy after paying retail for long as the therapy is covered under your HMO...I ain't paying for that!

My Suggested title would be the "He-Man Penny Pincher's Club"
jtakeman said:

I like the meaning this is all about. But to me a snob is the rich and famous. Someone who only buy's the best pellets and has the best stove money can buy is a snob in my book. If you found a better word say pellet scrounger or something. I think it would fit better to what you are trying to say. Once you find a better title for the new class, I would gladly vote for it.

Maybe vote or pole for the word you are looking for. Cheap-fruggle-something the oposite of snobish.


yea....Im thinking a better description would be a Pellet Plugger!

To me a Pellet Snob would be a person who "didnt care about price", had it installed, only burns it for ambiance for those romantic evenings becasue they dont care what fuel costs.....buys 10 bags of pellets, because they dont need more, maybe just has the stove in their ski chateau, which they only use a few times per year. The pellet snob doesnt clean their stove, they have it cleaned, of course, by a HPBA certified technician.
I kinda like the name. Makes all the Wunderkinden think. Tells some they don't need the biggest whistle or bell to heat their homes. Keeps the real purpose of owning a stove in mind. Tells everyone they won't find three years worth of pellets in the special pellet shed. Tells them they may be surprised how much heat they can crank out of a stove with an unknown brand of pellets,

I suppose I fit in this group. I am not a sideways redneck. But I do use older stoves and prefer to let someone else take the big hit on buying new. I look for the deals and I share that information with others. I am not of the economic elete and I don't flaunt what I have, so I guess that makes me a reverse snob.

Yea, I like the name am am proud to be associated with other Pellet Snob members.
Sorry that line three is a major road block, pellets have zippo to do with brews and I for one would expect a true pellet snob to drink something better than skunk piddle in a can, after all a true snob is well snobbish.

Can we also add a rule say:

Has chickens in their garage.

I have one doing the egg song right now and she is in hospital (the heated garage).
Thats exactly what I mean. Pellet Snob is just a decoy - just a jab at the other end of the spectrum of the pellet world. I think littlesmokey said it fine above - but here it is again.

"I kinda like the name. Makes all the Wunderkinden think. Tells some they don’t need the biggest whistle or bell to heat their homes. Keeps the real purpose of owning a stove in mind. Tells everyone they won’t find three years worth of pellets in the special pellet shed. Tells them they may be surprised how much heat they can crank out of a stove with an unknown brand of pellets,

I suppose I fit in this group. I am not a sideways redneck. But I do use older stoves and prefer to let someone else take the big hit on buying new. I look for the deals and I share that information with others. I am not of the economic elete and I don’t flaunt what I have, so I guess that makes me a reverse snob.

Yea, I like the name am am proud to be associated with other Pellet Snob members."

Also I like the additions from contributors:

*Ability to sense a sale before advertised

* Ability to pinch a nickel until the buffalo took a dump
Well clinker looks like you have a following. Check littlesmokeys sig.

You though of it so you will have to be the president of it. I nominate littlesmokey as vice pres. O wait I can't nominate anyone I am not a member.

My stove was pricey even at a discount so I am not eligable. Guess I have to stay with my fellow piggies then.

Carry on and have fun.
Hey look at my notes or signature or what ever it's called, "Pellet pig reject" says something like that.

And my avatar must be changed back to!
I meet most of the criteria except for the Venison. I am Dominican so i roll my own cigars from my own farm back home (some call it wacky tabaccky).. I vote for adding "Must drink Night Train Wine purchased a $1.75 at the corner store". Not to mention that I have purchased over 2 tons thus far using my wife's credit card points converted to Home Depot gift cards. hahaha.. shhhhhh she doesnt know yet.
Does Moose meat count?
schmeg said:
Does Moose meat count?

HHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMM.......... mooooooooosssseeeeeeeee meat. That's OK, but your signature tells a different story. I'll bet the meat's boolegged >:-(
I'M LOVIN IT. Moose meat counts as long as it doesn't contain any moose cock, rabbits, squirrels, and homegrown cigars are good too. Pellet Pig Reject is perfect. Night Train or Mad Dog 20/20 is a go. Now I know you guys/gals get it. Keep it coming and I will make a top ten list of requirements to be a Pellet Snob or Pellet Pig Reject, just for the rest of us.
My stove came with the house - not really free, but I didn't know what it was when I moved in. I buy pellets by the ton, don't smoke and I think venison tastes nasty. Oh well, yet another club that won't have me! :)
I'm in, but I think you need to add: you did the install yourself, and handle all of the repairs. No way I am paying some repair guy...I'm way to cheap for that.
I only meet the criteria in the last post. I wanted complete directions and a good tech source for all the questions I knew I was going to have... No venison in the freezer, no 30 pack of cheap beer, etc. I guess I'm excluded from this thread.
Haubera said:
I only meet the criteria in the last post. I wanted complete directions and a good tech source for all the questions I knew I was going to have... No venison in the freezer, no 30 pack of cheap beer, etc. I guess I'm excluded from this thread.

All you have to do is go outside bop a squirrel on the head, make some Brunswick stew and you'll fit right in.

I think that Clincker isn't going to require that you meet all of the requirements, but you should ask that question.
SmokeyTheBear said:
Haubera said:
I only meet the criteria in the last post. I wanted complete directions and a good tech source for all the questions I knew I was going to have... No venison in the freezer, no 30 pack of cheap beer, etc. I guess I'm excluded from this thread.

All you have to do is go outside bop a squirrel on the head, make some Brunswick stew and you'll fit right in.

I think that Clincker isn't going to require that you meet all of the requirements, but you should ask that question.
Bop a squirrel?! But they're so cute! Besides I haven't seen one since the temps dropped last week. LOL
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