I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but it does have to do with heating with wood. I was talking with someone yesterday about how we will be heating with wood. He asked what kind of current heating system we have - we have forced hot water cast iron baseboard that practically lines the outside edges of the rooms. He said that he knew someone whose pipes burst, as it had been heating "from the outside in, and then he was heating from the inside out." We do have a concern about our bedroom, which is always 10 degrees cooler than the attached back hallway. Probably at 50 degrees now. When we begin burning, we think that the heat will keep the main rooms warm,with the bedrooms much cooler. We also have a bathroom on the far end of our bedroom that I avoid in the winter, as it is cold. My dh uses it. We keep the door open to it, and have not had problems. The guy yesterday recommended turning on the circulators every hour or so. What a pain. What do you all recommend? We have a "U" shaped ranch, our bedroom is exposed on three sides. The stove will unfortunately (there is no other possible configuration because of a small hallway) be in the other end of the "U" - we have talked about running an insulated vent through the attic to the back hall and run a fan, or using box fans. Anyone have problems with pipes in the rest of the house once you heated half your house? What to do?