I have told myslef that I am going to get a jump start on next year this year! I took an ATV ride around my 50 acre property looking at trees that need to come down. I have quite a few leaners, those are definates. some that are clustered too close together, those are going to be thinned out and a few that I just need to take down anyways. My plan is to drop all of those trees, buck them to my 16" desired length and using the ATV/ttrailer, haul them to my landing area and stack them on pallets. Come spring I will haul them down to the house with the truck/trailer to split and stack them. At least this way they will be in the round already and will get a head start on the drying process. I ahve to have this done, or as much as Ican prior to October 11th when hunting season starts!