Hi , My story goes like this . Back in October I ordered my Regencey I2400 and at the time was told it would be ready for instal in 3 weeks. Well than it got moved to Thanksgiving than a couple weeks nothing. I than call the store talk to the sales person who then put me in contact with the instal/order people who tell me they are having trouble getting certain stoves...Ok Then I'm told that mine is on the way from dist. Instal date Dec 20, great! Dec 19 no phone call I call and I'm told no stove , but "I talked to our dist and explained your situation and they are going to Emergencey ship one to us" my dealer and it will be here no later than Dec 27 , and installed the 28th . well no phone call from dealer or instal/order office. I procede to call both offices leve message on both lines. I get no replys. I than finnaly get in touch with the sales person directly and tell my story and he replies I'm not privey to information about what comes in or not , and that he'll try and reach install people tomorrow and I should call back in the morning.... By now I'm just a tad frustrated with this whole ordeal. In the morning I went to the store and canceled my order and was refunded my 1500 down payment. So now I have no stove and am concidering ordering a Lopi Revere. I talked to the dealer yesterday and he said they don't have any in stock , but I could order one and he felt it would be about 3 weeks and a couple weeks for installation. So I'm looking at somewhere in around end of JAN begining of FEB. I just don't know what to do. Feb install won't give us much use this season or much of a return. Will the prices be the same next season ? Can we save some money purchasing our unit out of season next year ? What would you do?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts / information
Thanks in advance for any thoughts / information