we bought our house 20yrs ago and it had this stove in living room it is massive and has served us well, heating our whole house 2200 sqft 2 yrs ago my hubby bought this magic heat and attached to the pipe to help reuse lost heat he said and it had a blower so worked even better! At end of last season the magic heat was getting stuck a lot and we started getting more creosole my husband was constantly cleaning this year when we got a big rain storm water started coming down our pipe into and on the stove so he checked it and said the pipe is rotted in the attic and the pipe on roof the flange was leaking he tarped so to tsp water damage. He went looking to replace pipe and everyone is telling him we need a new stove but honestly we really can't afford it right now , I say replace the pipe and repair the roof and keep the stove. they all tried to sell him these new ones and say they are so much more efficient but i found that this one is about 45 % -50% on one of the sites and the new ones are 70-80 and use less wood, but my wood is free and i have the stove why get a new one, the new ones that could heat our size house are around 3800-4000 dollars , the piping and roof pipe and installation is 1800.00 that is doable but I really don't wanna spend 4000. my husband says the new ones are more efficient and burn less wood but my wood is free so who cares i don't mind loading it more. I do however want it safe and don't want a fire or anything dangerous. the timberline is double door on like pedestal that looks like 2 pipes. it has mountain tree scene on it , it is large and nice and we have a slate floor under it and brick behind it , it in a corner and each side wall has brick , mu husband said there is a piece of steel on the back of inside of the stove that was covering the bricks that is bowing in and thats the only thing that scares me about the stove, is it safe to continue using , can that piece be easily replaced? My husband is handy but doesn't feel comfortable installing pipe or messing with fire stuff so i will have to pay for installation of anything we do as well as what we buy. Please help, any advice is appreciated. if we spend the money on the 8'' pipe repair and install of new pipe for this stove will the stove last us another 10-20 or even 5yrs?