i'm building a new house and am currently looking for a new stove to heat it with,the house will be 30x30,with r27walls,r50 ceiling and lowEwindows,it will be a post beam open concept, the stove will be in the basement near the stairwell which extends completely to the second floor which is at this point entirely open concept with "cathedral" ceilings,the chimney will be an outside selkirk style, i have a similiar home now which i heat with a decaro wonderstove,it wooks well but is not available in a epa model at this time,i have narrowed my choices down to the regency 2400 or 3100, i want to load my wood front to back, the 2400 is deeper but not as wide as the 3100, i tend to feel that the 2400 is all i will need and it seems to get great reviews,but i dont want to end up with to small of a stove ,the 2400 is 77% efficient and the 3100 is 71%,the 3100 has a longer burn time and bigger fire box ,what do you folks think?