Bought my house 14 years ago, and upgraded to a Regency CI2600 about 10 years in from the gas insert the house came with. The stove ran amazing for the first couple years, having never owned a converter stove. Fast forward to today, and I'm having a heck of a time getting the door to close with any sort of ease. I end up having to pull up on the door with the poker to get the door latch to reach. How the hell does anyone adjust this thing? I can't find any info on it, and the installer is useless.
I also can;t keep the glass clear short of burning logs that are only 8" long. Is there a better trick to keeping it clear? I don't think its a down wash firebox, or whatever its called thats supposed to keep it clean. I almost want to rip this thing out and go to a pellet stove.
I also can;t keep the glass clear short of burning logs that are only 8" long. Is there a better trick to keeping it clear? I don't think its a down wash firebox, or whatever its called thats supposed to keep it clean. I almost want to rip this thing out and go to a pellet stove.