Roxul...What R-rating to insulate above insert

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Feeling the Heat
Sep 9, 2015
Eastern PA
Hey guys...just a quick question. What R rating Roxul Batt should I buy to insulate above the block off plate and up in the damper area??
3.5" thick batts are fine.
3.5" thick batts are fine.
Thanks Begreen...when I was looking online at Lowes for Roxul batts they have different R values, does that just refer to the thickness?? Just want to make sure I get the right one?
Yes. What ever you get you will have a lot left over.

[] Roxul...What R-rating to insulate above insert
I put as much Roxul as I could above my insert. It is cheap and extra R-value never hurts.
I put as much Roxul as I could above my insert. It is cheap and extra R-value never hurts.

I did the same and gave away the rest to another forum member.

I'll have to go through the same process all over again...we moved last month!
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