The usual craigslist/freecycle scrounging has been slow around are of late, so I posted to our neighborhood listserv looking for anyone with wood they wanted rid of. One response said they had a lot of wood, more than they could burn, and we agreed to trade some splitting labor (mine) for wood (theirs). What they had was a couple of stacks of mixed medium rounds, small rounds, and split wood. The small rounds were pulp and dust, as were many of the larger rounds. After I got done digging through both piles, separating the possibly decent wood from the beyond hope, I had a big pile of mulch (which I was told to just leave) and probably one full truckload. Based on my (admittedly vague) discussions with the homeowner (the wife, who had left) I put about 2/3 in my truck, and split and/or restacked 1/3. Then the wife comes home, and starts renegotiating. She wants to keep half. So I haul some logs back out of my truck, split them, and stack them until we're about even volume wise, and leave. So today I get a nasty email claiming that I still took too much; apparently half now meant half of the unsplit wood. She also complained about the quality, as if I made her store her wood unsplit outside in the shade. So to avoid a fight I dumped some more (split) in her driveway. Bottom line: I spent probably 2 hours doing what amounted to yardwork and some splitting, all for only about 1/6 of a cord of wood.
Lesson learned: be extremely specific upfront, or learn the hard way about unrealistic notions of "equal value".
The irony is that my listserv posting got me nothing but headaches, but a day later I scored nearly half a cord of fresh honey locust right around the corner that was just left out at the curb.
Lesson learned: be extremely specific upfront, or learn the hard way about unrealistic notions of "equal value".
The irony is that my listserv posting got me nothing but headaches, but a day later I scored nearly half a cord of fresh honey locust right around the corner that was just left out at the curb.