My living room has fireplace- 26" height opening with a 16" brick hearth. I've read that most people think a freestanding stove heats better than an insert, but what if the comparison is between a relatively large insert (Lopi Large Flush Hybrid- 3.0 cf box, 83k BTU) vs a smaller freestanding stove (VC Encore Flexburn- 2.3 box, 47k... or Regency Hampton H300- 1.7 box, 45k)? I'm not limited to those models, but my wife loves the look of those three (flush insert, cast iron stoves) and they should fit into the space we have. Wondering what's better- a large flush insert that requires a fan to pump out the majority of the heat, or a smaller freestanding stove in the same space. Thanks to all who contribute to this site, and Happy Thanksgiving.