Hello all. I am having a bit of a problem. I have a vista flame insert. I have had problem with smelling smoke in the past. Usually at the start up. I recently replaced the clean out tee with an Icc brand. While doing that i must have tore a small hole in the actual 4" stAinless steel liner. Right where the 3" to 4" meets the liner. There was hardly any play in the liner. So I'm assuming that's how it happened. So I guess my first question I have is there any type of fitting where I could actually increase the length of the liner with a coupling of some sort from the top of the chimney. That way I would have enough play down below to make the connection. I currently just used a bunch of red High temp silicone to patch up the tear. Like I said usually I would just notice some smoke at the start up. Now I get it all the time especially when the blower kicks on. However when the stove is on the higher settings the smell goes away. My wife is very concerned about the smoke smell as we have a newborn. I originally never had a problem smelling smoke until I cleaned the stove for the first time by taking the tee apart. Has never been the same since. Any advice. Thanks