After the most recent snow in the northeast, I will probably be getting a snow blower for the once a few yr accumulation that we get in our area.
What are your recommendations for a used machine. I use a plow on my JD420 for the driveway. This will be for the yard to get to the back entrance and various wood stores.
I borrowed my neighbors 8hp 24" wide unit and it worked well. In the used market with this configuration are they all similar. Anything to look for, stay away from?
Neighbor is moving and taking it with him.
What are your recommendations for a used machine. I use a plow on my JD420 for the driveway. This will be for the yard to get to the back entrance and various wood stores.
I borrowed my neighbors 8hp 24" wide unit and it worked well. In the used market with this configuration are they all similar. Anything to look for, stay away from?
Neighbor is moving and taking it with him.