Hope everyone here doing well. Thank you again for all your advice and help throughout my project.
Had a bad experience with the install scheduled for today however. Was hoping to post pictures of an F3CB installed but no dice.
It all started when the owner of the Jotul dealer didn't show up today with the two installers he employs. Not a huge deal but was hoping to have owner present like he said he would be when I first purchased stove. But hey,,,as long as his installers did a good job, no harm no fowl. Right?
Next, they bring stove in house and proceed to place each rear corner 6 inches from the two walls. I built the hearth for a corner install and according to Jotul's manual, a minimum of FOUTEEN inches is required from combustible surfaces. Remotely, the owner tried to convince me that 6 inches was sufficient. Yes, I have hardibacker on wall and a stone veneer on top of that (for a total thickness of 1 inch) but still FOURTEEN inches is required as behind hardibacker is paper and wood (so really 13 inches from veneer). Please correct me if I am wrong.
The reason dealer is insisting on 6 inches is ONLY because thirty inches from the corner on the left wall is a window. So when the double-wall stove pipe comes straight up out of the top of the F3CB, then turns 90degrees to go through the same wall on left side of corner, it brings him too close to the window. Now I live almost an hour away from the dealer and I actually made a second trip to see owner face to face to inform him of these dimensions. He assured me everything would be ok. Well, it's not LOL F#&!!%$!!&#!
Said owner ultimately comes to my house today to confirm what should have been confirmed well before today. Previously, he said no initial visit would be necessary. You sure'bout that dealer? He gets on the phone with Jotul to confirm clearances. I said I would be happy to allow a 6inch clearance if I get it in writing from Jotul on company letterhead. Fat chance of that.
His next suggestion is to bring stove pipe up out of stove at a 45 degree to bring pipe back towards corner a little bit (and ultimately away from window), then another 45 to go straight up some and then a 90 to go horizontal and out house. Not knowing enough about how that would affect the draft I did not agree to that.
I paid for stove a while back and was planning on paying for rest of components and install today. Instead, I politely asked them to take stove back and let me know what's next. I didn't want dealer leaving an uninstalled stove here when we agreed on an "installed stove." I can get my money back for stove of course but I really was set on the F3CB. I might have to consider a different stove with lower clearances.
What are your thoughts on a stove pipe that is not vertical and how will this affect the draft? (Can't wait to sever ties with this dealer)
Had a bad experience with the install scheduled for today however. Was hoping to post pictures of an F3CB installed but no dice.
It all started when the owner of the Jotul dealer didn't show up today with the two installers he employs. Not a huge deal but was hoping to have owner present like he said he would be when I first purchased stove. But hey,,,as long as his installers did a good job, no harm no fowl. Right?
Next, they bring stove in house and proceed to place each rear corner 6 inches from the two walls. I built the hearth for a corner install and according to Jotul's manual, a minimum of FOUTEEN inches is required from combustible surfaces. Remotely, the owner tried to convince me that 6 inches was sufficient. Yes, I have hardibacker on wall and a stone veneer on top of that (for a total thickness of 1 inch) but still FOURTEEN inches is required as behind hardibacker is paper and wood (so really 13 inches from veneer). Please correct me if I am wrong.
The reason dealer is insisting on 6 inches is ONLY because thirty inches from the corner on the left wall is a window. So when the double-wall stove pipe comes straight up out of the top of the F3CB, then turns 90degrees to go through the same wall on left side of corner, it brings him too close to the window. Now I live almost an hour away from the dealer and I actually made a second trip to see owner face to face to inform him of these dimensions. He assured me everything would be ok. Well, it's not LOL F#&!!%$!!&#!
Said owner ultimately comes to my house today to confirm what should have been confirmed well before today. Previously, he said no initial visit would be necessary. You sure'bout that dealer? He gets on the phone with Jotul to confirm clearances. I said I would be happy to allow a 6inch clearance if I get it in writing from Jotul on company letterhead. Fat chance of that.
His next suggestion is to bring stove pipe up out of stove at a 45 degree to bring pipe back towards corner a little bit (and ultimately away from window), then another 45 to go straight up some and then a 90 to go horizontal and out house. Not knowing enough about how that would affect the draft I did not agree to that.
I paid for stove a while back and was planning on paying for rest of components and install today. Instead, I politely asked them to take stove back and let me know what's next. I didn't want dealer leaving an uninstalled stove here when we agreed on an "installed stove." I can get my money back for stove of course but I really was set on the F3CB. I might have to consider a different stove with lower clearances.
What are your thoughts on a stove pipe that is not vertical and how will this affect the draft? (Can't wait to sever ties with this dealer)
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