Does anyone have any knowledge or experience about spider bites in the northeast? I think I got bit Thursday, although I never saw the spider, and the red zone has gone from the size of a penny to a silver dollar, along with some additional swelling around it. I've been to urgent care and a physican's assistant. I'm taking Bactrim antibiotic in case it was an infection (no effect after 2.5 days), and I got blood drawn today for Lyme tests. No fever, or other symptoms.
What gets me is that I was told that nothing could be done for the spider bite. You'd think SOMETHING could. I'm elevating and icing when I can. Then, all you read about as far as poisonous spiders go is brown relcuse, which supposedly is not around here, and black widow. How about any other spiders that can cause hurt?
What gets me is that I was told that nothing could be done for the spider bite. You'd think SOMETHING could. I'm elevating and icing when I can. Then, all you read about as far as poisonous spiders go is brown relcuse, which supposedly is not around here, and black widow. How about any other spiders that can cause hurt?