Spider Bite, Northeast

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Dec 5, 2005
Sand Lake, NY
Does anyone have any knowledge or experience about spider bites in the northeast? I think I got bit Thursday, although I never saw the spider, and the red zone has gone from the size of a penny to a silver dollar, along with some additional swelling around it. I've been to urgent care and a physican's assistant. I'm taking Bactrim antibiotic in case it was an infection (no effect after 2.5 days), and I got blood drawn today for Lyme tests. No fever, or other symptoms.

What gets me is that I was told that nothing could be done for the spider bite. You'd think SOMETHING could. I'm elevating and icing when I can. Then, all you read about as far as poisonous spiders go is brown relcuse, which supposedly is not around here, and black widow. How about any other spiders that can cause hurt?
I get bit by a spider at least every couple of years. I just pack wet baking soda on the bite to draw the junk out and tape it up for a day.
Gf got bit good this winter. Lasted a few weeks, similar to what you're describing, but the center of the bite turned into a crater nearly a week later (about 3/16" wide and deep) with a red border a good 3/4" in diameter.
Eventually went away but took a solid 3 weeks to do so and got worse daily for the first 7-10 days.
I know 2 guys that were bit by brown recluse in MA.....
Witch Hazel.
Thanks. Yeah, day 5, throbbing, and it's worse this morning, and now 2" wide. I guess it'll get worse before it gets better.
Thanks for the witch hazel tip.
I've had multiple bites that stay around dime size, but last year my girlfriend got bit at my house and it she ended up getting a red, hard spot almost 3" in diameter on her thigh. I think the pain lasted about 2 weeks, and it took maybe 3 months for that hard spot to slowly get smaller and disappear.

People give me flak all the time because I have a fear of spiders, while most of my friends and family have a fear of snakes. I've only been bit by a snake once, and that was because I was a kid messing with it outside in his environment. I get bit by spiders every couple years in my own bed!!
Got bigger and badder. Doc gave me different antibiotic and took culture for MRSA.
What's annoying is how long it takes to get some test results.
There is only 2 spiders in your area to be concerned about. Brown Recluse and the Black widow. The recluse is not native to your area but can easily arrive in shipping containers etc. You would have felt the widow bite you for sure.

The recluse venom kills surrounding tissues and cells. The widow venom is a neurotoxin and like I said you would know by now if it was a widow bite.

Everyone reacts different to spider and insect bites. One spider can cause a mosquito like bite to one person and that same spider could cause an experience to what you are dealing with now in another.

As long as you don't experience a fever, nausea and develop an open wound at the bite I wouldn't worry to much. If it itches use a bug bite or anti itch cream to help you leave it alone.
No improvement after one moxifloxacin. Hurts, like a bruise on the shin, when walking. 2.5" dark red diameter.
The possible side effects for the moxifloxacin are scary: tendon tears? Just what I need. :)
No MRSA. Doc sent me to surgeon, who sliced chunk out. Said it wasn't bad - I'm doubtful it was needed, but at least she got good samples to send to the lab. Wound will take a while to heal. I wonder if it any of it was even necessary. Hoping for a good resolution. Putting a real crimp in my summer.

I'm not sure whether or not this is a useful thread.
I stubbed my toe today.
Got bit by a deer fly, they pack a wallop for a mid sized winged pest.
They take a chunk out of you, like black flies? They buzz me a lot, but don't think I got bit by one yet. We probably don't get them as bad as you.
Spiders venom what you have been hit with is soft tissue destroying type. Generally associated with Brown Recluse and close relatives. You have described all the classic symptoms of neocrotic venom. Best to get on the docs case aggressively as yours sounds like it is getting out of control, Additionally staff infections are a compounding issue. You said they tested for Mersa came up neg.. This is very similar in its effects and appearances. I am no expert but am familiar with both. This is an enzyme based problem.
Thanks. The surgeon got a good look in there and said there wasn't necrosis and the muscle looked good. As I said, she got some good samples to send to pathology. I just have the sneaking suspicion that a lot of this was unnecessary, which would make me right, but a lot of good that does.

I'm thinking that most of the info on the web on spiders' venomousness is focused on the brown recluse, black widow, and hobo spiders. I'm pretty sure there are other spiders out there, even not necessarily a brown recluses' relative, that can cause damage, but there's nothing written about that as far as I can see with my limited knowledge.
OK. A spider/burning connection.

"Man using spray paint, lighter to kill spider sets house on fire"

(broken link removed to http://www.therepublic.com/view/story/fbddb240ef0947b1837dd5d3e26475b0/US--Spider-Fire)
Just as humans have saliva to start the digestive process, I'm figuring spiders and flies have a counterpart. It is that "digestive" juice that seems to react for certain people. For me, black fly bites are the worst - especially around the ankles. Two infections in the past due to scratching before realizing that it was a black fly bite<>

BB is right, baking soda right after a bite works to dry up and draw out those fluids (good on bee and wasp stings too). Witch hazel is also an astringent so works on a similar idea... For black fly bites, I spray with solarcaine (disinfectant and topical lidocaine to reduce itch) - about 3-4 sprays during the first day and no more issues.

Amazed the Doc/Nurse Practitioner gave you antibiotics. Have to see striation or massive inflammation before they will here (due to concerns on antibiotic resistance).

Speedy healing!
Amazed the Doc/Nurse Practitioner gave you antibiotics. Have to see striation or massive inflammation before they will here (due to concerns on antibiotic resistance).

Speedy healing!

Thanks. I guess that's what they thought. I was the one who thought it was a spider bite. The path lab reports came back negative.The ugly wound the surgeon made really got my attention. I could've always refused to go that route, but I'm listening to the pros, right? In the future, I'm going to take all medical advice as that, "advice"-to be taken or not.

I had an infected black fly bite once too, and you could see the antibiotic act on it a day or so.
As for the spider, Moore said: "I'm pretty sure the spider did not survive this fire."
I really wouldn't be too sure about that.

Oh, and I heard that line, "we really don't know what it is until we go in and look at it" from the surgeon. Is that a line all surgeons use? I've heard that line several times my past.
Next time, cauterize it immediately. Heck-keep some steel hot for the purpose.

(I made this bottle opener in class, but will probably just keep it hot for mosquito bites)

[Hearth.com] Spider Bite, Northeast
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