First off I don't have a way to mearure my smoke stack temp. Only by touch. I have Yukon Big Jack wood furnace. My barometric draft control is located about 18" fom the hole going to a outside chimmey. The owners manunal calls a300deg. temp for the stack. A lot of times it does not seem this hot, like when the fire dying down.Plus on the pipe cools down some after the daft control.
The one thing that I think I might have done wrong is I use a T peice of pipe to put the draft control in. Looking at the instuction they cut a hole in the pipe it self.
I have to clean my smoke pipie at lest once a month. Does this seem nomal. The chimney clean said it all looked but don't have much faith in him.
The one thing that I think I might have done wrong is I use a T peice of pipe to put the draft control in. Looking at the instuction they cut a hole in the pipe it self.
I have to clean my smoke pipie at lest once a month. Does this seem nomal. The chimney clean said it all looked but don't have much faith in him.