Stove Pipe Leaks............Maybe??

  • Thread starter Thread starter dorkweed
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Couldn't pass up this stupid warm weather, and not clean the chimney...............again. i'm a new burner, and want to know how things are burning..................hence the sweep again after only about 1.5 months.

I only got about 1...maybe 1.5 cups of soot, but almost all of it was from the "back to back" 45's I have right out of the stove. Looks to me like I have air leaks into the flue based on how the soot/creosote was deposited there. Most of the creosote there was the coffee ground stuff with some "shiney" stuff in there. The 2 45's are there to give me clearance for my roof trusses. The vertical section of my telescoping doublewall and my class A were just "dusty" with soot/creosote. The chimney cap looked flacky and shiney soot with some drips down the windward side of the stack. Since my prior sweep, I've switched over to ash/box elder that's CSS for about 10 months now.

This is after about 1.5 months of................not 24/7 burning.......................but burning most everyday to keep house temps comfortable.

My wood seems dry based on how it catches fire fast upon reloads.....................even with very few coals!!! I'm thinking the creosote deposits in my 45's are from air leaks. But I don't want to seal them because that's where I "break" my stove pipes so I can "sweep" things!!! I can live with that!!
Prolly air leaks and I still think going hot to cold every day adds to much..I dunno.
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