Sweet Home AFX-HT

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Sep 4, 2016
Mancos, CO
Hello my fellow Hearthers,

The lady and I moved into a lovely cabin that has a Sweet Home AFX-HT. We have had a couple of fires on cooler summer evenings and I have been splitting and stacking wood getting ready for the winter. Part of that preparation is hopefully getting the stove back to peak operating condition. It is to my understanding after gleaning hearth.com and google that Sweet Home is now owned by Sierra.

The current stove situation; 6 fire bricks that line the inside of the stove are damaged or missing. I have found replacements here (broken link removed to http://a1stoves.com/sweet-home-c-28_206.html)

[Hearth.com] Sweet Home AFX-HT

My current plan is to talk to the land lord and see if I can go ahead and purchase and deduct the cost of replacement from next month's rent.

Does anyone have a similar model that can tell me if the stove originally came with firebrick lining the floor of the stove? There is a square piece of steel that is routed from the front, near the floor, to the back and up to the roof giving air to the fire.
[Hearth.com] Sweet Home AFX-HT

There's also a metal U frame holding the middle ceiling brick in place, but the left side is missing it. Does anyone know of a replacement? Also if anyone has a manual for this particular model?

[Hearth.com] Sweet Home AFX-HT
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That's not a model I've seen mentioned here before, but believe me, if it exists this is the place to find someone that knows it. Hang tight.
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