I hope you can answer some questions about my kilns. I have wrapped 2 of my stacks and they are 130 and 127 degrees at the top and 82 degrees at the bottom. It is 80 degrees outside.
One stack is 2 rows, 5 ft high and 16 feet long on landscape timbers on cement blocks. The other is 3 rows "log cabin" stacking, 3 1/2 ft. high 17 fly long on pallets. Both have plastic on the ground underneath since the ground can get pretty wet. The stacks get a good breeze from the field behind and full sun.
Will the wood at the bottom get dry? I sure hope you are not going to tell me to restack in a month moving the top to the bottom and rewrap them ; ).
When I wrapped them yesterday the red maple was 21% moisture and the oak was 27 to 29 % moisture.
Also will the maple get too dry before the oak gets to less than 20%? I am guessing I should have put different species in different stacks.
Thanks, Mimi
I hope you can answer some questions about my kilns. I have wrapped 2 of my stacks and they are 130 and 127 degrees at the top and 82 degrees at the bottom. It is 80 degrees outside.
One stack is 2 rows, 5 ft high and 16 feet long on landscape timbers on cement blocks. The other is 3 rows "log cabin" stacking, 3 1/2 ft. high 17 fly long on pallets. Both have plastic on the ground underneath since the ground can get pretty wet. The stacks get a good breeze from the field behind and full sun.
Will the wood at the bottom get dry? I sure hope you are not going to tell me to restack in a month moving the top to the bottom and rewrap them ; ).
When I wrapped them yesterday the red maple was 21% moisture and the oak was 27 to 29 % moisture.
Also will the maple get too dry before the oak gets to less than 20%? I am guessing I should have put different species in different stacks.
Thanks, Mimi