My dad's neighbor lost a big old cherry tree in the ice storm. He had it all cut up and was going to keep it for himself but decided not too when he broke out in a rash which he got from cutting through the poison vines that were all over the tree. He admitted that is very sensitive to poison ivy and he is worried about burning it in his fireplace so he offered it to me (knowing that I am free wood junkie). I said yes without hesitation but now I am starting to wonder if it is worth the risk. The wood is cut to 18" length, solid, bug free, cherry with 1-2" in diameter hairy vines all around the bark. What do you guys (and girls) think? Will the vines dry up and fall off then and germinate around my wood pile? To try and knock all the vines off with an ax would take a really long time plus the wood is 45 minutes from my house and will require at least 2 trips = $20 in gas. Boy I am cheap!