My next door neighbor has mentioned seeing a swarm of termites last year. I didn’t think much of it rather than hoping he wasn’t going mention my firewood ( which I’ve never seen any termite evidence in). He told me that the previous homeowners had to deal with termites in the past. Today, he tells me that he saw some termites or evidence of termites on some surfaced dead roots of a pine tree we cut down years ago on our side of the property line. He sort of hinted that I should remove the old roots. I told him that while I may get around to doing that, I’m sure that root system is extensive given the size of the old tree and there’s no way I’d come close to getting anything but what’s visibly above ground level. I said that I would not be excavating the yard or anything close to that. Me and this guy are friendly and good neighbors to one another so I want to do the right thing here, but I also question if he’s worrying to much about what’s on my property. Any legitimacy to his concerns?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance