My BIL has a bunch of small black locust that he wants removed. Normally, I wouldn't even consider it since I still have a ton of wood to cut on my own property. But, I'm thinking of grabbing a couple truck loads full next spring because it's supposed to be great firewood and at the size he has (up to about 5 or 6" diameter), I'm thinking it will be real easy because I won't even have to split!
The question is where to put it in my rotation. I'm thinking of saving a spot for it which would put it in the mix for 2015/16. Would locust rounds staked in double rows be good in a year and a half?
The question is where to put it in my rotation. I'm thinking of saving a spot for it which would put it in the mix for 2015/16. Would locust rounds staked in double rows be good in a year and a half?