We're down to the end of the seasoned stash for 2013/4 and we're makin' every fire count. We light one fire at night to defray oil consumption and by day the increased sunshine keeps the house plenty warm. The good man collected dead and down wood the other day, up to 3"D. It was chilly today (windy and cold) and I used some of it to "cozy up our apartment". I had one helluva time getting the bigger pcs. to "catch"; knew they'd been precipitated on and had soaked up the moisture and was expecting a challenge. I used the small stuff to get a nice fire started, added the biggest stuff, and put more of the dry stuff on top of it all. Ran the stove with the air intakes open even after I'd engaged the combustor. It's a "low and slow" burn on a very windy day and I had the time to "baby sit" the stove. But I was reminded of just how frustrating it can be for newbies to get a decent burn with marginal wood and little/no experience! Nothing like seasoned, dry firewood to make burning easy!