I found a used Dolmar 7900 on CL not too far from me he is asking 500 for it I went to look at it today. The saw is clean and in good condition. He told me that he won it at a charity raffle two years ago and has only put 10 hour on it since he got it (has a Husky saw too). Did a compression test and it was just under 120psi on an average of 3 tests .The muffler has a spot that is worn through, almost like the chain came loose and fied a spot through. He doesnt know how that happened though. He doesnt really know anything about the Dolmar saws and says it is too big for what he cuts. He is currently running an 18 inch bar on it. The saw starts and runs great. My only concerns are 1) Does the hole in the muffler have any affect on how the saw would run? 2) Does running a short bar on a saw that big have any down sides? 3) $500 too much in this case? Thanks in advance for any replies.
PS-I didnt buy the saw until I did some more research
PS-I didnt buy the saw until I did some more research