I’ve been looking for a used jotul on Craigslist to replace this terrible stove. Last year the basement was unfinished, but now that it’s our family room (painted concrete floor) I want something that puts out heat more evenly. I’m at a loss as to which model would be ideal in the space. The metal support on the left seems like it shouldn’t be right up against the stove, but getting the right clearances seems like just about any stove would be right next to it. I realize the current set up is completely not code and unsafe. We just use the stove to keep the edge off in the winter, we have a high-efficiency heat pump for moderate weather. Entire basement is about 800 ft.², the room it’s in it’s about 300 ft.². It’s well insulated with Anderson windows and a brick exterior. I’ve attached a little sketch with measurements.
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