Been gripin' here for some time now about the muddy conditions in the woodlot and how long it's taken to get my rounds loaded out.
Guess I'll have to find something new to moan about. The last of the rounds are out and stacked in the splitting area. I feel like celebrating.
Took the power washer to the little tractor today, got it demudded for the duration. Wait for it... it won't rain another drop for a month and the woods will be bone dry.
Been gripin' here for some time now about the muddy conditions in the woodlot and how long it's taken to get my rounds loaded out.
Guess I'll have to find something new to moan about. The last of the rounds are out and stacked in the splitting area. I feel like celebrating.
Took the power washer to the little tractor today, got it demudded for the duration. Wait for it... it won't rain another drop for a month and the woods will be bone dry.