We have been burning for years, and we always stack our split wood on cement blocks and 2x4's or 4x4's- about 10" -12" off ground... all neatly stacked... (our unsplit wood remains on ground until split in the back) We just had an unwelcome visitor- the Board of Heath.... They are telling us all wood must be stacked at least 18" off ground- 2 cement blocks and 2x4.... To me, that is ridiculous and dangerous... Currently, we have over 15 cords of wood stacked with more unsplit wood on ground... We are willing to move unsplit wood off ground-10"-12"... but to restack all the split wood in the middle of winter??????????? the actual ordinance reads "building materials must be stacked 18" off ground"- Board of Health insists that building materials and firewood are one in the same... Has anyone ever faced this dilemma???