Hi gurus,
I'm in the market for a wood insert for my fireplace. First, it's a really big fireplace (one of the reasons I bought the house). Dimensions are roughly 27" x 36" with a 20" extending hearth. The tile+cement is only about 1/2" off the wood floor. Some questions:
1) I really like the protruding inserts but most go out by 7". Only way for me to support that is to add a hearth extender. Adding a 1"+ extender would look funny with my hearth. Are there any thin hearth extenders available (<1/2")?
2) Assuming I solve (1), two inserts I've been looking at are the Regency i3100 and the Quadrafire Merrimack. Anyone have one of these and have a particular preference? Anything to watch out for?
3) Assuming I don't solve (1), then I've also been considering a flat fireplace. Two in particular are:
a) The Hampton Hi400. It's quite nice and is catalytic. I heard catalytics can be a pain to maintain (can't burn paper / wet wood). However, the non-starter for me is the seller said the glass goes black when you burn due to the high temperature, also the door itself seems kind of small. Anyone experience this?
b) The Voyageur Grand (Quadra fire). Nice and big. Haven't seen it in the show room yet. Anyone know about this one?
Thanks in advance if anyone has pointers, or pointers to other/better inserts! Learning about inserts has been a bit more involved then I thought it'd be
I'm in the market for a wood insert for my fireplace. First, it's a really big fireplace (one of the reasons I bought the house). Dimensions are roughly 27" x 36" with a 20" extending hearth. The tile+cement is only about 1/2" off the wood floor. Some questions:
1) I really like the protruding inserts but most go out by 7". Only way for me to support that is to add a hearth extender. Adding a 1"+ extender would look funny with my hearth. Are there any thin hearth extenders available (<1/2")?
2) Assuming I solve (1), two inserts I've been looking at are the Regency i3100 and the Quadrafire Merrimack. Anyone have one of these and have a particular preference? Anything to watch out for?
3) Assuming I don't solve (1), then I've also been considering a flat fireplace. Two in particular are:
a) The Hampton Hi400. It's quite nice and is catalytic. I heard catalytics can be a pain to maintain (can't burn paper / wet wood). However, the non-starter for me is the seller said the glass goes black when you burn due to the high temperature, also the door itself seems kind of small. Anyone experience this?
b) The Voyageur Grand (Quadra fire). Nice and big. Haven't seen it in the show room yet. Anyone know about this one?
Thanks in advance if anyone has pointers, or pointers to other/better inserts! Learning about inserts has been a bit more involved then I thought it'd be