Recently, a small tornado wreaked havoc 5 miles away from my house....trees all over. I had to hustle and brought home like 20 truck loads of wood, only 3 of which that were not Black Locust. I really worked myself bucking, loading, and unloading up to 6 loads per day. None of this wood was easy to get. Well, Now my shoulder hurts really bad and I got xrays and orthopedist said I did no damage but damn it hurts to button my pants every morning. I was worried I did my rotator cuff but Dr said no after he put me through the motions. What do you guys do for sore shoulders? I now have 20 loads of wood stacked in my driveway that I have to split and stack. I am nervous about using the fiskars and wondering if I need to use the spiltter instead but still have to lift every piece to process.