I have been curious about comparing catalytics (especially the amazing Blaze King) with non-catalytics. I am getting the perception that the BK is a phenomenon and can supply incredible overall heat output (integrate heat over time) due to sending less heat up the chimney.
Has anyone directly compared a catalytic (especially a Blaze King) with some efficient non-catalytic stove in exactly the same installation space with the same wood? Can you objectively say how the two compared?
If the efficiency of a wood stove is the percentage of heat put into a house from the availability of the wood, it seems the real efficiency (if we could quantify it) of a catalytic stove would be much higher than a non-catalytic stove. Is that true? How much higher?
I'd love to do the following experiment:
Design 2 super insulated rooms that are identical in every way. Install 2 stoves with optimal installations for each, one catalytic and one non-catalytic, and then use as similar of wood as possible and measure the BTU output into the room (via temperature over time and temperature of walls) per pound of wood used and see how much better the best catalytic is compared to the best non-catalytic. That would be fascinating!
Has anyone directly compared a catalytic (especially a Blaze King) with some efficient non-catalytic stove in exactly the same installation space with the same wood? Can you objectively say how the two compared?
If the efficiency of a wood stove is the percentage of heat put into a house from the availability of the wood, it seems the real efficiency (if we could quantify it) of a catalytic stove would be much higher than a non-catalytic stove. Is that true? How much higher?
I'd love to do the following experiment:
Design 2 super insulated rooms that are identical in every way. Install 2 stoves with optimal installations for each, one catalytic and one non-catalytic, and then use as similar of wood as possible and measure the BTU output into the room (via temperature over time and temperature of walls) per pound of wood used and see how much better the best catalytic is compared to the best non-catalytic. That would be fascinating!