An old farmstead at the end of the gravel road will be demolished this week (sad but true). I used to know the old farmer that lived there years ago. Recently, someone bought the property, a large pasture and surrounding fields to sell as one big chunk of tillable land. Along with the removal of the house and barn, 30-40 large trees in the open pasture are being pushed over for removal. The contractor has given me and a few others the chance to come in and cut up whatever we can haul out. Any trees remaining will be buried next week. I called my manager to let her know I am taking an unplanned vacation day tomorrow. This is an emergency! Any time I can harvest a tree that would be otherwise wasted makes me feel good. Having the chance to cut it up and not have to clean up limbs is icing on the cake.
I spotted 3 very large Shagbark Hickory trees that are already on the ground. I have burned Hickory in the past and know it ranks up there with uranium as far as heat output goes. I also saw 8 or so White Ash on the ground. There are a number of old growth trees that I am unsure of the species type. I might take a picture or two and post them tomorrow to see if any of you can help me out. Wish me luck!
I spotted 3 very large Shagbark Hickory trees that are already on the ground. I have burned Hickory in the past and know it ranks up there with uranium as far as heat output goes. I also saw 8 or so White Ash on the ground. There are a number of old growth trees that I am unsure of the species type. I might take a picture or two and post them tomorrow to see if any of you can help me out. Wish me luck!