New to this forum. Long time wood burner, burn only well seasoned oak, hickory, and a little maple or cherry. Replaced my 40 ish year old VC Defiant with Blaze King Ashford 30.2 in 2022. Defiant was a heat monster but harder to control at lower settings. BK is a definite improvement there, and in efficiency. While the BK flue is 6” inside (vice the large oval pipe the VC had) it transitions to the VC’s 8” Class A stainless insulated pipe to the outside. Is this an issue? I ask because I am concerned with a large increase in creosote in the BK flue pipe, which I never had in the old VC. I always ran the VC quite hot at least daily when it was running low and am quite aware of how creosote forms. I do the same on the BK as needed. I have noted a large temperature differential between the base of the single wall flue pipe and the top (about 4.5 ft up) where it goes into the collar and then transitions to the Class A. For example, the IR temp right now reads 490F at base, 280F 8” up, and 160F at top. Cat about 900F. Don’t recall this extreme differential with the 8” flue piped VC. Is this normal? Wondering if the 6” to 8’ transition is a problem. Any ideas?