Hi guys. I have an early blaze King KEJ-1101 and was wondering about combuster failure. I have had good luck heating with this stove. I bought a brand new combuster from condor, used it for a month and its is falling apart. My exterior temps with a laser gun are 650 or less most of the time. The temp gauge on the pipe never get higher than 375. The outside has seen 715 a few times but not much. Today I looked in the hole on top of the stove and saw the honeycomb in the combuster has fallen apart and I'd half disintegrated. Only had it a month or so. All heat shields are in place and the combuster has only been a medium shade of red to cherry red but not really glowing yellow. Not sure if I'm over firing or not. Doesn't seem like it. I check my outside temps with a laser fifty times a day while burning. Hope you all have a little insight, thanks....