Brand new stove for sale on craigslist

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Minister of Fire
Jan 2, 2012
(broken link removed to

the inside looks nice, too bad he left it sitting in his yard with a tarp over it for the last 7 years.....
Thats almost the price they were new then I think. 3039?
Could probably be had for $500.
If the internals (auger motors, blowers) were in good working condition, I'd offer him $600. Some paint & clean-up and it would look like new.
Mills Fleet farm just had the newer version on sale for $1200 . I threw the flyer of course.
Why would someone do that??? It's not a combine!!!
who the hell buys a brand new stove,.. then puts in the back yard for 7 yrs,... something fishy.
haha. I WENT and LOOKED at that stove about 1.5 yrs ago when he posted it without pics.

Theres a hell of a story to the whole situation.

That thing is an anchor at best. I left the place without even lowballing him.
The guy lives in a 18' camper. He is as yellow as the sun (jaundice). Says he bought it for his bar and sold the bar before it was installed. Appeared heavily
intoxicated when I was there. Tried selling me class b vent with it. I said that wasn't the right venting and he said it sure is it fits perfect. He did have a building there for storage, but it was to full of chit to put valuable stuff in. ;lol
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