Looking to replace a natural vent gas insert with a direct vent model for better efficiency/heating.
Are any brands better than others?
Currently contemplating the following:
Majestic 20ILDV
Napoleon IR3
Pacific Energy Bristol
Savannah DVI26,000
Didn't realize how expensive these gas inserts are! Yikes! Looking for something on the more inexpensive range.
We need the insert to supplement our forced air heat in our basement. Area to reach is approx. 650 ft2
Any suggestions? Comments?
Thanks, from the great white (will be white soon enough) north.
Are any brands better than others?
Currently contemplating the following:
Majestic 20ILDV
Napoleon IR3
Pacific Energy Bristol
Savannah DVI26,000
Didn't realize how expensive these gas inserts are! Yikes! Looking for something on the more inexpensive range.
We need the insert to supplement our forced air heat in our basement. Area to reach is approx. 650 ft2
Any suggestions? Comments?
Thanks, from the great white (will be white soon enough) north.