I was contacted by a company that is a modular builder of residential and commercial buildings here in Mich. that a "new" building code says -
(2015 MRC). Section 1003.9.1 requires that all chase covers have a 4" vertical lap (skirt) and a minimum 10° slope on the horizontal surface.
The 10 degree slope on the horizontal surface is the issue.
My question is, would this be for "new construction" or even if the homeowner was replacing his own chase cover"
I researched this and this is what I found on a different code
R1005.4 Factory-built chimneys. Chimneys for use with factory-built fireplaces shall comply with the requirements of UL 127. The metal chase cover shall be sloped a minimum of 10° to shed water. Metal chase cover shall lap down the chimney wall a minimum of 4′′ (102 mm) and be sealed with a suitable sealant.
(2015 MRC). Section 1003.9.1 requires that all chase covers have a 4" vertical lap (skirt) and a minimum 10° slope on the horizontal surface.
The 10 degree slope on the horizontal surface is the issue.
My question is, would this be for "new construction" or even if the homeowner was replacing his own chase cover"
I researched this and this is what I found on a different code
R1005.4 Factory-built chimneys. Chimneys for use with factory-built fireplaces shall comply with the requirements of UL 127. The metal chase cover shall be sloped a minimum of 10° to shed water. Metal chase cover shall lap down the chimney wall a minimum of 4′′ (102 mm) and be sealed with a suitable sealant.