CL....Sandy Hook CT...act quickly

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Beer Belly

Minister of Fire
Oct 26, 2011
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What a gift there. Quite a generous homeowner.
That's a beautiful tree... shame it had to grow so close to that house. Would make cool coffee table legs.
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burns almost as good as grey and yellow birch, if its not rotten. Of the three, given my pick, I'll take yellow. Split it, keep it out of the rain and it will burn nice.
All three beat burning eastern white pine.
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I burn a fair amount of white birch . . . not as good as some woods . . . but still not bad. My wife likes it since she says it comes with its own tinder.
i'd grab it if it was by me. Free wood already cut to length and all i gotta do is load it? And i like birch.
We put some in the stove as decoration in the off season.....
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