Convection motor for Magnum Countryside 3500

  • Thread starter Thread starter DexterDay
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I have a Buddy with Magnum Countryside freestanding, that called me today. He was awoken by the smell of "Hot" (everyone knows this smell) steel. Around 3am his room blower (convection) took a dump.

At the beginning of the season, on the 1st start up, we had to remove the motor, put it on the bench with a patch cord, and oil it to get it up to speed. He has oiled it since then, but an old motor will only limp along so long.

So my question is.. Does anyone know of a cheap replacement? I know Bio-Burner has ran these (and knows them very well) and I think Rona also.

He is currently not at home, so I don't have the motor info? When.he gets home, I will post motor #'s....

Hoping because of the age of the stove, that its been done by someone, somewhere.


[] Convection motor for Magnum Countryside 3500
Its been a while dex, But this one may work. This is the 2 speed version IIRC.

(broken link removed to
That looks just like it Jay... Thanks. Gonna compare #'s when he gets back to the house
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