Craigslist Firewood issue

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Hearth Supporter
Aug 22, 2008
So yeah...I just got "two" cords of firewood delivered which I paid $300 for off of cragslist. This is my first time ever getting wood delivered so i don't know what two cords look like. I proceed to stack the wood on my 4x8 pallets to 4 feet high and realize that I only got 1 cord. To me, this seems like a gigantic mistake from the firewood guy. Anyone think this was a mistake or was I bamboozled? I called them back and the woman was very surprised that it was only one cord and that she would let her husband know and that he would give me a call tonight. I cant say that I will hold my breath for the call.

Is there any hope to get another cord delivered?
(broken link removed to
If they delivered it to Maryland it all still applies.
Squiner said:
So yeah...I just got "two" cords of firewood delivered which I paid $300 for off of cragslist. This is my first time ever getting wood delivered so i don't know what two cords look like. I proceed to stack the wood on my 4x8 pallets to 4 feet high and realize that I only got 1 cord. To me, this seems like a gigantic mistake from the firewood guy. Anyone think this was a mistake or was I bamboozled? I called them back and the woman was very surprised that it was only one cord and that she would let her husband know and that he would give me a call tonight. I cant say that I will hold my breath for the call.

Is there any hope to get another cord delivered?
So was it a shoot or a work?

Sorry, I just noticed you still haven't heard anything.
I'll let you know if they call me back and what they say. If I don't get a call today I will call them tomorrow, and the next and the next if i have to.
what kind of truck did he bring it in? 2 cords would require a heavy duty truck, most likely NOT something based on a standard pickup truck frame.
It was one of the standard tree service trucks always you see towing a chipper behind it.

Edit: Here, I found a pic online of what it pretty much looked like.

(broken image removed)
ok, that truck could handle the weight of 2 cords. I know my guy brings one cord in a mason dump, based on an F-350 frame, and that one cord is about all it can take.
Heem said:
ok, that truck could handle the weight of 2 cords. I know my guy brings one cord in a mason dump, based on an F-350 frame, and that one cord is about all it can take.

The thing is, is that he only had it stacked just above the gate and all the wood towards the front was thrown in. I wasn't really thinking I was going to get screwed so I didn't even think about the dimensions of the truck when he pulled up.
A loose tossed cord should take up somewhere around 180 cu ft but could go as high as 200 cu ft. Ask the seller what the dimensions are for the truck box.
here's what i call two cords

[] Craigslist Firewood issue
[] Craigslist Firewood issue
[] Craigslist Firewood issue

click to enlarge
Post the guy's craigslist ad and see if other customers come out of the woodwork.
I still am waiting to see if he calls me back today to try and get this resolved. So I'm not going to post the add yet.
LLigetfa said:
Post the guy's craigslist ad and see if other customers come out of the woodwork.

Ditto. I live in Maryland and am looking for a reliable firewood supplier to supplement the wood I can get from my local tree service guy. If this guy is ripping you off, make sure we MDers know about it!
I've gotten fortunate, thanks to the warnings and education here I look into it. So far there is one person who I lost the number to who brings be two cord from Jonestown, PA, on the receipt there is a disclaimer "cord measured machine loaded, exact amount not guaranteed". This had me scared last year but it measured pretty close according to my stacking. There is another guy who I have been getting it from who is only 1 mile away. He only can bring one cord at a time but I know where he lives (I take the money to him) so he seems right on too. I have called a few in the paper and I always like the phrase "its a full cord in a pile", never stacked or measured just dumped in a pile. When you get there the pile is quite loose and as you get into it there is a big rock in the middle! The guy was reasonable though I said "there is no where near a cord I fit it all in my pickup he said "well how is half off the price", I said "great I didn't feel like unloading this on your front porch".

Unfortunately, it's buyer beware. If you find someone good you keep with them but it's a risk you take.
Update: I get a call from the guy today; turns out he was trying to call another one of his customers but dialed me instead, LOL. I got into it with him about him shorting me a cord of wood. He acts real dumbfounded like he doesn't believe me. He starts talking real fast and says he'll be coming by my area tomorrow to drop wood off at another location but he will come by and look at my stack. He says he will make it right. I should have asked him for his name and address since I don't have it. Probably could have figured if he was lying to me.

What are my chances he stops by?
fyrwoodguy said:
here's what i call two cords

[] Craigslist Firewood issue
[] Craigslist Firewood issue
[] Craigslist Firewood issue

click to enlarge

Are you a firewood sales person? You are very generous. My guys would call that 3 cords.

Looks like great wood. Too bad you aren't closer to where I live. :smirk:
If you have a number, I'm sure you can still call in a complaint. I hate guys that short people. I don't sell wood, and don't buy, but more than happy giving some away to neighbors (I'm sure I will get it back some way). Guys should sell what they state, if not, nail them to a wall. What you said isn't oops, a few too short, I'll bring up an S-10 with a few more logs. My 3/4 will carry a safe (for "me") 1/3 cord. Thats about all I will call it for my own records.
Please keep us up to date. Do we have a "bad" call forum? Per state.
Good Work here - maybe this guy never had a complaint before. Nobody complains - nothing gets fixed.
The guy never stopped by my house. I have left him a few messages and no response yet. What is my next step?

I have a business name, but i don's think it is a real business. I know the guys first name, so I think it's his name. I have a few phone numbers; although, the business card they gave me at delivery had the wrong phone number from the CL add (two numbers switched around). I'm trying to locate the address and name on record for both of numbers using reverse look up.

I didn't get a receipt when they dropped off the wood. Probably stupid on my part which I wont do again.
BrotherBart said:

I just called the complaint number on this web site, thanks BrotherBart! They will be out tomorrow to measure the wood pile and follow up with the guy that sold it to me. I really hope they will be able to help.
Update? I'm pulling for ya!
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