I had an alert on craigslist for a log splitter, and all of a sudden I get a notification. When I checked out the ad, it was from dht, having a factory sale.
Needless to say, I called them, and ended up with a fully warrantied, fluid filled dht22 for under $800. They had all sorts of other toys too, and even though it was tempting, I didn't buy a string trimmer or a riding mower.
I fired it up and split a few pieces. Works pretty great so far!
Needless to say, I called them, and ended up with a fully warrantied, fluid filled dht22 for under $800. They had all sorts of other toys too, and even though it was tempting, I didn't buy a string trimmer or a riding mower.
I fired it up and split a few pieces. Works pretty great so far!