Hello all. Our Esse Ironheart fire box has become deformed and now will not come out. We've only had it a couple of years and it is so splayed it will not come out past the tray sliders on the fire bricks. It's very annoying. I'm thinking the only way to solve it is to smash the fire bricks.....or does anyone have another clever trick. I've watched all the videos of how to clean the stove and all involve taking out the fire box before you can remove the fire bricks or baffel plate. If I smash the bricks I will need to buy more and I'm guessing that's a palava....I'm in France and getting things delievered to the EU from the UK can be a pain so I may need to get an EU company to send them.....any ideas, the nearest I think is actuall in Spain because the French Esse dealers are in the North and East.
Any help offered gratefully received!
Any help offered gratefully received!