Esse Lo Courtier Stove

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New Member
May 5, 2016
I happened to come across an old (closed) thread here where someone was asking about the instruction manual for the "Lo Courtier Stove", he never did find it, so I thought I would post up the installation and user manual just in case someone else ever looks for it.

Although meant for coal, I use it on a daily basis with wood every winter. I found mine in an architectural salvage yard 10 years ago and paid £600 for it, its price when new in 1962 was about £27, say about $500 in todays money. Mine works great and the enamel is close to perfect. They were manufactured near Stirling in Scotland, only about 20 miles from where I live.

Some pics of the stove and a scan of the manuals.

We normally use it with the doors closed and the flue vents close to get the best heat.

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

But the doors open and fold tight back behind the wings.

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

Two vent stages at the bottom, one for regulation and one for starting.

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

The pivoted vent lifts right off.

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

The top lift right off, for dusting?

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

And here is an advertising original flyer.

[] Esse Lo Courtier Stove

Hope this helps someone someday.
Very cool and very 60's design. Thanks for posting.
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