It is always about this time each year that I start to consider the best way to get the splits in to the house. I’ve done everything from a good old fashioned armful, a carrying tote, a 96 gallon trash can rolled in from the garage, and more.
I’ve yet to find what I feel is that perfect method. To a certain degree I think I’ve just conceded to the idea that it’s a pain in the butt and that’s just a small trade off for the great wood heat.
anyone have any genius/realistic ideas???
I have a window right beside the stove (in a sunk in below grade room). I’ve always thought it would be pretty awesome to throw the the splits through the window into a wood box. Or, build a mini wood shed/box outside the window and an access door from the inside. Fill it from the outside and access it from the inside (insulate it etc.) Not realistic however. The boss shot that down rather quickly.
I’ve yet to find what I feel is that perfect method. To a certain degree I think I’ve just conceded to the idea that it’s a pain in the butt and that’s just a small trade off for the great wood heat.
anyone have any genius/realistic ideas???
I have a window right beside the stove (in a sunk in below grade room). I’ve always thought it would be pretty awesome to throw the the splits through the window into a wood box. Or, build a mini wood shed/box outside the window and an access door from the inside. Fill it from the outside and access it from the inside (insulate it etc.) Not realistic however. The boss shot that down rather quickly.