I’ve searched the forum but haven’t found anything that addresses this problem: the temperature sensor seems wildly inaccurate.
The sensor wire is coiled up at th back of the stove. I’ve put a digital thermometer right next to it to get an accurate reading of the actual temperature at that location.
If I set the stove thermostat on the control panel at 75 (for example) the temperature at the sensor has to drop to around 60 before the stove starts up. Consequently I have to have the control panel setting even higher (between 80 & 85) just to get a temperature of around 70 at the sensor location.
This is a new stove. I called the dealer who told me to move the sensor, which is fairly limiting because the wire isn’t that long - and it also seems like it won’t matter since I’ve already determined that the sensor isn’t reading the temperature accurately.
I’m new to pellet stoves, having burned cordwood for many years, so apologies if I’m missing something obvious.
The sensor wire is coiled up at th back of the stove. I’ve put a digital thermometer right next to it to get an accurate reading of the actual temperature at that location.
If I set the stove thermostat on the control panel at 75 (for example) the temperature at the sensor has to drop to around 60 before the stove starts up. Consequently I have to have the control panel setting even higher (between 80 & 85) just to get a temperature of around 70 at the sensor location.
This is a new stove. I called the dealer who told me to move the sensor, which is fairly limiting because the wire isn’t that long - and it also seems like it won’t matter since I’ve already determined that the sensor isn’t reading the temperature accurately.
I’m new to pellet stoves, having burned cordwood for many years, so apologies if I’m missing something obvious.