I am turning a heatilato that was converted for a wood burner and now I am converting it to be a see through with ventded gas logs.I have removed the old metal innards of the heatalator,and I have cut the back side of the fire box out to the same dimensions as the front opening.I want to put an unopenable glass sheild on one side to prevent problem drafts, and put doors on the other . I have a 9x12 ceramic flue liner,with a double wall steel liner 9 inch inside of that .I have no damper ,I have a metal hat covering the flue I am hoping will stop the down drafts.My plan is to parge the inside of the heart with hihg temp mortar.I have cut the metal linner off so that it is flush with the top of what would be the smoke chamber .The spaaaace between the metal liner and the ceramic linner is insulated with rock wool.Does anyone haave insight on my situation?