This morning it was 45ºF so I told the T6 it was time to wake up. Stoked her up with a few splits and little kindling in the Tunnel of Love® config. Fired right up and 20 minutes later the stove top was at 425º. Added a couple more large splits. Lowered the air to 50%, then 10 minutes later to 20%. House is warm and toasty, 74 in the living room and 70-72 in the rest of the house. I'll let the fire go out as the sun has now come up and soon will warm the house for the rest of the day
This was a test of new wood. It's doug fir and alder that was cut green and split in early April and put right into the shed. This was a hot and dry summer and I wanted to check how the new wood was doing. We have 2 and 1 yr. seasoned also, but I was curious to see where this wood was at. I resplit some large splits yesterday to check for moisture and found it was dry so I figured I'd give it a test. Burns ok so far, started up right away with no sizzling or bubbling on the ends, even on the large splits. That surprised me, but I'm pleased to know that we have good dry wood reserves to fall back on if it's a very cold winter.
This was a test of new wood. It's doug fir and alder that was cut green and split in early April and put right into the shed. This was a hot and dry summer and I wanted to check how the new wood was doing. We have 2 and 1 yr. seasoned also, but I was curious to see where this wood was at. I resplit some large splits yesterday to check for moisture and found it was dry so I figured I'd give it a test. Burns ok so far, started up right away with no sizzling or bubbling on the ends, even on the large splits. That surprised me, but I'm pleased to know that we have good dry wood reserves to fall back on if it's a very cold winter.
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