I'm just wondering how others start their fires. I use four different boxes of wood to help build our fires. I use a hand planer to shave off curls of wood, which are the first addition to the wood stove. Next, kindling that consists of dried branches or wood chopped to finger-size width or smaller. Once the fire is going with these two items, larger kindling is added and finally the largest pieces are added to the stove. My goal is always to start the fire with one match. I guess this comes from a magazine article I read a few years back, about a woman living up in northern British Columbia. It seems she was lost in the woods during a snow storm, about minus 20 C outside, and stumbled across an old trappers cabin. She found a bit of timber and a couple of matches in the cabin. She was able to get the fire going and survive the storm. I've always been impressed with getting the fire going with only 2 matches, knowing that the fire was a matter of life and death. In my rather comfortable life by comparison, how many times had I used more than one match to get the fire going? Well, now I've got it down to one match. I'm interested in other's techniques and stories.