I think my Dad either plugged the cat in our Englander insert with creosote or killed it completely. Today being Christmas eve, we were going across town for a family dinner and then church tonight, and I went over about noon to help prepare the meal; I came back about 4 to pick up my Mom and Dad (no sense in driving two vehicles, plus my car is better on gas) and asked Dad if the fire was fixed. He said yes, I just added wood. I thought ok, it was going when I left, and I dont see any smoke from the chimney. I didnt actually check it, but the house was warm. We left, had a great dinner, went to a great candlelight church service, and got home about 10. I figured the fire would be out, but was not prepared for what I found... I had noticed the house smelled a bit smoky, but that happens sometimes if the wind is going right, it blows into the attic. I opened the stove, and was greeted with a pile of large smoldering logs, and the entire stove was dripping in creosote. I opened the bypass and it immediately took off. I let it catch good, and then started closing the bypass. I got it closed, and the stove started smoking around the door and backpuffing around the air intakes. I repeated it with the same result. I am now running it with the bypass damper slightly open, just so we can heat the house. Maybe the creosote will burn off of the cat, but being the original cat in a 21 year old stove, I think he probably killed it.